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Monday 14 June 2010

What the grown-ups think about Sticky Kids CDs

Warm Up with Sticky Kids

Helen is a childminder from Renfrew in Scotland. She uses the Sticky Kids CDs once a week with the children that she cares for. Helen even gives the parents a list of the skills the children have been learning from the Sticky Kids CDs.

Helen usually starts her Sticky Kids sessions with the Circle song (find this on the Warm Up CD) to encourage all the children to get involved.

Helen’s other favourites are Funky Monkey (find this on the Bend and Stretch CD) and Can You Run? (find this on the Work Out CD).

Helen says: “The Sticky Kids CDs are great for all young children and every one of the children that I look after loves our Sticky Kids times.

“They all have their favourite songs and all of them like the really fast songs. The children really do have their own opinions on the songs that they love the best.

“I have found that the children’s balance, co-ordination and listening skills have all noticeably improved.

“I recommend the Sticky Kids to all my parents and other childminders because I’ve found them to be such a great resource for children.”

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