The younger we teach our children about fitness the more likely they are to grow up to be fit and healthy adults. Research also shows that parents can create good habits for their children by being fitter and healthier themselves. Youngsters who grow up with a mum who jogs or a dad who plays football will be more likely to become interested in sport and fitness as well.
Both parents and children will benefit form regular exercise. Fit adults and children have:
* Better circulation
* A reduced risk of heart disease
* Less chance of being overweight
* Increased strength, flexibility and agility
* Stronger bones
* Lower chance of being stressed or depressed
* Lower rates of asthma
* And a longer life expectancy.
And kids are never too young to start creating the right exercise habits for life.
But have you ever wondered how to engage younger children in a regular keep-fit routine?
Three ways to get kids active:
1. If it’s dry visit the playpark and give your children a chance to run, jump, climb and balance. But if it’s raining why not stick on the Sticky Kids Work Out CD and do Can You Run As Fast As Me, the Bean Bag song (remember and have a sock ready!) and any other favourites.
2. We all like to dance and it’s a great way to keep-fit. Dance to any music but for some cool moves try Breakfast Boogie (on the Sticky Kids Munch and Crunch CD) or the Funky Monkey (on the Sticky Kids Bend and Stretch).
3. For an all-round warm up put on the Warm Up with the sticky Kids CD and just let it run from track 1 to 8. A note to the grown-ups: No cheating on the “stand up, sit down” action! If you’ve done it before you’ll know what we mean!
Don’t forget to check out the rest of the market leading educational music and movement CDs collection
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